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CSE 40677 Open Source Software Development - Web Terminal Project

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A machine with:

  1. Node.js and NPM installed. Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform here!

  2. Angular CLI installed. Angular CLI is the official tool for initializing and working with Angular projects. Install it by executing the following command in a new terminal:

      $ npm install -g @angular/cli
  4. Python websockets library installed. This is a library for developing WebSocket servers and clients in Python. Install it by executing the following command:

      $ pip install websockets

Installation Option 1: Download code and run packaged executable

1. Clone the web-terminal repository

  $ git clone https://github.com/danielle-galvao/web-terminal.git
  $ cd web-terminal

2. Install necessary Node.js modules

    $ npm install

3. Install project package

    $ pip install web_terminal

3. Run packaged executable

    $ python -m web_terminal

Installation Option 2: Download code and build manually

1. Clone the web-terminal repository

  $ git clone https://github.com/danielle-galvao/web-terminal.git
  $ cd web-terminal

2. Navigate to root folder of Angular app

  $ cd web-terminal/client

3. Install necessary Node.js modules

    $ npm install

3. Build app for production

    $ ng build --prod

Running and Usage


Once you have completed all the instructions to install and build the Web-Terminal app, you can perform the following steps to get the Web-Terminal app running:
Note: If you followed the steps for Installation Option 1, the app's web server will already be running. You can skip Steps 1 and 2 below and begin at Step 3.

1. Navigate to project's server folder

  $ cd web-terminal/server

2. Start the app's web server. Running this command will start serving the Web-Terminal interface on your localhost.

  $ python web_terminal.py

The message provided upon running contains the localhost address including the port number which the server is running on:

 * Running on

3. To view the Web-Terminal app, open browser of choice and navigate to that localhost address.


Once you have completed the above steps to start running Web-Terminal, you are now ready to begin using the terminal interface! Here's how:

1. Authenticate yourself using provided one-time token/password to begin using the terminal interface.
For security purposes, upon opening the Web-Terminal app in your browser, you will reach an Authentication Page. This page will require you to enter a unique one-time token/password for that terminal session. The message provided upon running the command to start the app's web server (Step 2 of Running Instructions) will provide you with the necessary token:

  Starting web server, your token is: EXAMPLETOKEN

Enter this token exactly as given to you (token is case-sensitive) where you are prompted on the Authentication Page to "Enter one-time password." Press the "Authenticate" button to begin your terminal session.

2. Upon successful authentication, you will reach the Web-Terminal terminal interface page. Click adjacent to the command line prompt "$" to begin entering text. Type your command and arguments and press Enter on your keyboard to execute. Web-Terminal supports many standard Linux commands.
Note: Your initial working directory will be the directory from which you executed the command to run the server

3. Start programming! Make sure to first learn about all of Web-Terminal's features so you can take full advantage of all the tools and helpful technologies we've added to provide users with the best terminal experience possible!